“One Life to Live” was a beloved American soap opera that aired from 1968 to 2013, captivating audiences with its intricate storylines and memorable characters. Over the years, the show featured a talented ensemble cast that brought the fictional town of Llanview to life. As fans often wonder what happened to their favorite actors after the show ended, we take a look at where the “One Life to Live” cast members are now.
Before we delve into the whereabouts of the cast, let’s summarize the main information about where they are now in a table for quick reference.
Actor | Character | Current Endeavors |
Erika Slezak | Victoria Lord | Occasional acting roles, public appearances |
Robin Strasser | Dorian Lord | Acting in TV series and films |
Robert S. Woods | Bo Buchanan | Retired from acting |
Hillary B. Smith | Nora Buchanan | Acting in web series and guest TV roles |
Kassie DePaiva | Blair Cramer | Acting in TV series, music career |
Erika Slezak (Victoria Lord)
Erika Slezak portrayed the iconic Victoria Lord for over four decades, earning multiple Daytime Emmy Awards for her performance. Since the show’s conclusion, Slezak has taken on a few acting roles, including a part in the television movie “Guest Artist.” She also makes public appearances and remains active with her fan base through her official website and social media.
Robin Strasser (Dorian Lord)
Robin Strasser, known for her role as the formidable Dorian Lord, has continued her acting career with appearances in various television series and films. She had a stint on “Days of Our Lives” and has been involved in other projects that showcase her range as an actress.
Robert S. Woods (Bo Buchanan)
Robert S. Woods brought Bo Buchanan to life, earning a Daytime Emmy for his portrayal. Post-“One Life to Live,” Woods has stepped back from acting, focusing on his personal life. While he has retired from the screen, his legacy as Bo Buchanan endures.
Hillary B. Smith (Nora Buchanan)
Hillary B. Smith’s Nora Buchanan was a fan favorite, and Smith has continued to act, transitioning to web series like “Venice: The Series” and “Beacon Hill.” She has also made guest appearances on other television shows, keeping her acting skills sharp and her presence known in the entertainment industry.
Kassie DePaiva (Blair Cramer)
Kassie DePaiva’s Blair Cramer was a character with many layers, and DePaiva has continued to explore her talents in acting and music. She joined the cast of “Days of Our Lives” and has released music, demonstrating her versatility as an artist.
Michael Easton (John McBain)
Michael Easton, who played the brooding John McBain, has remained a fixture in daytime television. He transitioned to “General Hospital,” where he has played multiple characters, keeping his connection to soap opera fans strong.
Melissa Archer (Natalie Buchanan)
Melissa Archer’s portrayal of Natalie Buchanan won her many admirers. Since the show’s end, Archer has appeared in several independent films and television shows, continuing to build her acting resume.
Tuc Watkins (David Vickers)
Tuc Watkins brought humor and charm to his role as David Vickers. Watkins has been active in both television and film, with roles in “Desperate Housewives” and “The Boys in the Band” on Broadway and its Netflix adaptation.
Roger Howarth (Todd Manning)
Roger Howarth’s complex portrayal of Todd Manning was a highlight of the show. Howarth has also made the move to “General Hospital,” reprising his role as Todd before taking on a new character, Franco Baldwin.
Kristen Alderson (Starr Manning)
Kristen Alderson grew up on “One Life to Live” as Starr Manning. After the show, she continued her role on “General Hospital” for a time and has since focused on personal projects and music.
Bree Williamson (Jessica Buchanan)
Bree Williamson played Jessica Buchanan and her various alters, earning critical acclaim. Post-“One Life to Live,” Williamson has appeared in numerous TV movies and series, showcasing her range beyond daytime drama.
Ilene Kristen (Roxy Balsom)
Ilene Kristen’s Roxy Balsom was a scene-stealer, and Kristen has remained active in the entertainment industry with roles in off-Broadway productions and independent films.
Sean Ringgold (Shaun Evans)
Sean Ringgold, known for his role as the loyal Shaun Evans, has continued his acting career with appearances in films and television shows, including “Orange Is the New Black” and “American Gangster.”
Scott Clifton (Schuyler Joplin)
Scott Clifton left his mark as Schuyler Joplin and has since become a staple on “The Bold and the Beautiful,” where he has won multiple Daytime Emmys for his portrayal of Liam Spencer.
Farah Fath (Gigi Morasco)
Farah Fath’s Gigi Morasco was a beloved character, and Fath has since returned to “Days of Our Lives” for a time. She has also focused on her personal life, getting married and starting a family.
John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex Balsom)
John-Paul Lavoisier played the charming Rex Balsom and has continued acting in various television roles, including a brief return to daytime TV on “Days of Our Lives.”
FAQ Section
- What has Erika Slezak been up to since “One Life to Live” ended?
Since the show ended, Erika Slezak has taken on a few acting roles and remains connected with her fans through public appearances and social media. - Has Robin Strasser retired from acting?
No, Robin Strasser continues to act, with roles in television series and films, including a stint on “Days of Our Lives.” - Is Robert S. Woods still acting?
Robert S. Woods has retired from acting and is focusing on his personal life after his long tenure as Bo Buchanan. - What are some of the projects Hillary B. Smith has worked on after “One Life to Live”?
Hillary B. Smith has acted in web series like “Venice: The Series” and “Beacon Hill,” as well as making guest appearances on other TV shows. - Has Kassie DePaiva continued her music career?
Yes, Kassie DePaiva has continued to pursue music alongside her acting career, demonstrating her talent as a singer.
The cast of “One Life to Live” has ventured into various avenues since the show’s finale. While some have retired or taken a step back from the limelight, others have continued to thrive in the entertainment industry, taking on new roles in television, film, and theater. Their diverse careers reflect the dynamic talent that was part of the show’s success. As they move forward with their lives and careers, the legacy of “One Life to Live” lives on through the enduring impact they’ve had on their fans and the world of daytime television.